Ramsey number $R(4,8)$
The smallest number $n$ such that any two-coloring of the edges of the complete graph $K_n$ must contain either a monochromatic $K_{4}$ in the first color or a monochromatic $K_{8}$ in the second color.
Lower bound:
Upper bound:
Upper bound: $84$
J. Mackey, Combinatorial Remedies, Ph.D. thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Hawaii, 1994.
[via Small Ramsey Numbers, Stanisław Radziszowski, 2024-09-06] -
Lower bound: $59$
G. Exoo and M. Tatarevic, New Lower Bounds for 28 Classical Ramsey Numbers, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, http:// www.combinatorics.org, #P3.11, 22(3) (2015), 12 pages. Graphs available at the journal site and at http://cs.indstate.edu/ge/RAMSEY/ExTa.
[via Small Ramsey Numbers, Stanisław Radziszowski, 2024-09-06] -
Upper bound: $79$
V. Angeltveit and B.D. McKay, personal communication (2019-2024).
[via Small Ramsey Numbers, Stanisław Radziszowski, 2024-09-06]